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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Health and Safety Management

The plethora of Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) regulations as well as the aim of preventing damages and injuries and respectively occupational illnesses poses high demands to HSE-Management and therefore the person exercising and implementing those management activities.

WTC assists you in this venture with following services:

  • It is in any executive management's best interest to prioritize and ensure the employees' optimum health and safety. Furthermore, modern and up to date health and safety   management encompasses all statuary orders, laws and regulations, making them an integral part of the company and always resulting in satisfactory and foremost sustainable economic success, while taking health, economic and ecologic factors into account. Health and Safety management does not only improve operating and employment conditions, but also reduces the risk of work related accidents educating employees discipline and industry-specific about threats and dangers in their work environment.
  • Hence, focusing on your employees WTC guides you onto your way of making risk assessment a primary responsibility and therefor leading you onto a path of success and growth.
  • WTC takes a methodical approach via
    a predictive and retrospective analyse.

Maritime News